Laughter as Medicine in Menopause


 Did you know it is thought that the average child laughs about 400 times a day, but the average adult only laughs about 15 times a day? I think George Burns said it best when he said


“You don’t stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old...

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Sunshine Therapy for a Healthier Menopausal Transition


Humans evolved with the sun. Our ancestors spent most of their lives outside. The sun helped to provide warmth and rhythm to their days.

Our planet also needs the sun, it plays a crucial role in providing light, weather, climate, seasons, and oce...

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Vitamin D and your Menopausal Transition

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that is a part of the fat-soluble vitamin family. 

Vitamin D receptors can be found in every single cell in the body, hence it's wide-ranging effects.  It plays a role in over 200 processes in the body. Including b...

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The Health Benefits of Earthing

energy mood pain sleep stress Aug 04, 2021

Did you know Earthing can help improve sleep, reduce pain and inflammation, balance immunity, lift mood, minimize your stress response, and more? It sounds like the perfect remedy for many women's menopausal transition.

Earthing is all about direct ...

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Turmeric - "The Golden Goddess"

This colourful spice has a long history of medicinal use. I love it’s nickname The Golden Goddess, for me, it is the perfect menopausal herb for the Goddess approaching her Golden Years, as it can help bring richness to her health and happiness.


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Omega 3 and Menopause

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that plays a major role in improving your menopausal transition and also your general health. (Essential means you must consume this ingredient in your diet, as your body can not manufacture it.)



There are 3 ...

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The Importance of Exercise in your Menopausal Transition

Exercise is essential at every stage of life, and perimenopause/menopause is no exception. 


Here are a few ways exercise can help improve your menopausal transition and benefit your general wellbeing.

  • During our transition, we have a heightene
  • ...
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  • Dark green leafy vegetables - spinach, broccoli
  • Legumes - black beans, kidney beans
  • Nuts and seeds - almonds, cashews
  • Avocado, banana
  • Meat - chicken and beef



Common signs of low magnesium include eye twitches, leg c...

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Vitamin D


  • Safe sunshine exposure. Note sunscreen blocks vitamin D absorption
  • Fatty fish especially cod liver oil
  • Egg yolk
  • Mushrooms, especially those grown under ultraviolet light



This is extremely common these days, people ju...

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