Have you ever considered the impact of your menopausal transition on your dental health?
The menopausal transition is linked with 3 main areas of dental concern including bone loss, lower production of saliva, and thinning of the oral mucosa.
Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) also known as Glossodynia or Stomatodynia is a collection of sensations that mainly affects women in their 40's to 70's. It has an increased prevalence 3 years before to 12 years after menopause. BMS may cause the sensa...
Collagen is a family of structural proteins. It is found in your skin, bones, tendons, muscles, cartilage, hair, nails, teeth, intestinal lining, blood vessels, and even the cornea of your eye!
Collagen is derived from the Greek word “kolla” whi...
Generally, only found in women ...
Food sources of Vitamin A:
Animal meat - liver, cod liver oil, egg
Dairy products - ghee, butter, cheese
Food sources of beta carotene:
Fruit - rockmelon, apricot, papaya, mango
Vegetables - sweet potato, carrot, broccoli, kale, dandelion, s...