How to Stay Cool and Comfortable While Traveling This Holiday Season: Managing Night Sweats Away From Home

night sweats Dec 10, 2024

The holiday season often brings joyous celebrations, reunions, and travel. However, for those prone to night sweats, the combination of unfamiliar environments and disrupted routines can turn nights into a sweaty struggle. Whether it’s waking up dren...

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The Health Benefits of Ginger at Menopause

Ginger may not be the first culinary herb you think of to help ease your menopausal symptoms, but maybe it should be due to its ability to reduce acute symptoms such as nausea and hot flushes as well as chronic issues like painful arthritis and bone ...

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Night Sweats and Travel

night sweats Nov 17, 2022

It’s one thing to be in the comfort of your own bed and wake up in a pool of sweat and another to be somewhere else. Many of us are traveling for celebrations and family reunions this holiday season, and it got me thinking about how to best to prepar...

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Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh has a long history of use both by Native Americans and European settlers.  For a herb with such as long history of use, it is certainly misunderstood. It is feared by some and loved by others. 

If we were to consider the 2012 Cochrane r...

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Shatavari is more than a libido herb.

Shatavari is the most popular Ayurvedic herb used for the menopausal transition. Ayurvedic medicine is possibly the oldest treatment system in the world, originating from India. The first recorded use of Shatavari dates back to 1500BC in the Rig Veda...

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Sage "The Saviour"

We have long known about Sage's medicinal properties. Its Latin name is Salvia officinalis. The word Salvia means “to heal”.

Ancient Egyptian and Greek civilisations recognised Sage's healing powers.

During the middle ages, sage was considered a sa...

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Night Sweats

hormone night sweats sleep Aug 21, 2020

Vasomotor symptoms include hot flushes and night sweats. Most women who experience vasomotor symptoms experience both but what if you are primarily or only experiencing night sweats? 

Did you know there are other causes of night sweats aside from th...

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