Walking for Menopause Symptom Relief

Regular physical activity, such as walking, can have several positive effects on overall health, including potential benefits for the menopausal transition.

Why walking? Because walking is free, available everywhere, and has a really low risk of inj...

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Laughter as Medicine in Menopause


 Did you know it is thought that the average child laughs about 400 times a day, but the average adult only laughs about 15 times a day? I think George Burns said it best when he said


“You don’t stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old...

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The Importance of Exercise in your Menopausal Transition

Exercise is essential at every stage of life, and perimenopause/menopause is no exception. 


Here are a few ways exercise can help improve your menopausal transition and benefit your general wellbeing.

  • During our transition, we have a heightene
  • ...
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  • Natural sea salt, e.g., Celtic sea salt is a superfood. It contains 43 trace minerals including sodium in the correct ratio. Table salt or iodised salt are not good options as they have been processed and the other nutrients have been rem...
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Anemia or low iron is common in menstruating women whereas iron overload is common in postmenopausal women. Please test before starting an iron supplement and retest again later.




  • Meat - beef, lamb
  • Seafood - oysters, clams, sardin...
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