The Health Benefits of Social Support during the Menopausal Transition

lifestyle May 19, 2024

The menopausal transition is a natural process that all women will experience. During this time many women notice an inclination to withdraw, but it is important to be aware of the health benefits of socializing. Social support can come in many...

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Walking for Menopause Symptom Relief

Regular physical activity, such as walking, can have several positive effects on overall health, including potential benefits for the menopausal transition.

Why walking? Because walking is free, available everywhere, and has a really low risk of...

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The Health Benefits of Reading

cognition lifestyle stress May 15, 2023

Did you know there are health benefits linked with being a regular book reader?


When did you last pick up a book?


I think most of us fall into 3 different camps, we either aren’t into reading, loved reading as a kid but...

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Breathwork for Menopause

lifestyle Sep 06, 2022

Could you find a spare 30 minutes in your day? If it reduced your menopausal symptoms by 52%? 

In the clinical trial “Paced breathing compared with usual breathing for hot flashes” they found that 15 minutes of breath work TWICE...

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What does the Vagus Nerve have to do with Menopause?

lifestyle stress May 31, 2022

The sensation of feeling stressed comes from our autonomic nervous system. This includes our Sympathetic Nervous System (you might know this as your fight or flight response), the Parasympathetic Nervous System (The rest, digest, and repair...

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Lifestyle Habits and your Menopausal Transition.

lifestyle May 11, 2022


Your daily routines have the power to build you up or to contribute to your demise.

There are so many different powerful habits you can build into your routine but doing them once won’t make a difference you need to be committed to...

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Music and Menopause

lifestyle Feb 07, 2022

Have you ever noticed that music can have a healing effect on your soul?

It can improve your mood, concentration, and ability to relax. 

Seriously who doesn’t love music? Music has been a part of human life for about long as we have...

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Why Western Women Struggle the Most!

lifestyle mood Nov 23, 2021

Book extract "From Invisible to Invincible" The 
Natural Menopause Revolution.


It’s fascinating to look at how women from different cultures and races view menopause. All women go through this change. For some women, it's a time...

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Top Menopause Podcasts 2021

Today is an exciting day. Exciting for me anyway, today is my podcast’s 100th episode and I really want to thank you for coming along on this ride with me.

It's hard to believe I started this project in May 2019 and almost 21/2 yrs later I...

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Does Smoking affect my Menopausal Transition?

lifestyle Jul 02, 2020


Yes, it does!

Smoking promotes an earlier menopause. Smokers start having perimenopausal symptoms one to nine years earlier than non-smokers. The earlier you experience menopause, the more health risks you are exposed to later in life. They...

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