Premature and Early Menopause

Premature menopause is when you reach menopause prior to the age of 40. Early menopause is when you reach menopause before you reach 45. The average age for menopause is 51 in Western countries. 

Both premature and early menopause can occur naturall...

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Uterine Polyps

Uterine polyps are common problematic growths that occur in about 10% of women. They can be found in the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterine cavity, or in the cervix. They are made from clusters of endometrial tissue that extend into the ...

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Environmental Toxicity and Hormonal Health

environment May 05, 2022

Many environmental toxins cause hormonal disruption, insomnia, fatigue, mood swings, headaches, weight gain, brain fog and more. Cleaning up your environment is essential if you want healthy balanced hormones.

Today we are focusing on the role your ...

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environment Jan 13, 2022

Xenoestrogens: What they are and how to avoid them.

GUEST BLOGGER:  Jo Lia, Building Biologist


Xeno means foreign and estrogen is the primary female sex hormone. So xenoestrogens are manmade chemicals that act like e...

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Toxicity Driven Hormone Imbalance

environment Jan 13, 2022

Unfortunately, the world we live in is becoming increasingly toxic. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat, may all be contaminated.

When our body is exposed to a toxin its primary concern is to remove it from the blood and put ...

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Environmental toxin - Mould

environment Jan 12, 2022

Podcast interview: Mould, Water damaged homes and Menopause


Guest blog by Jo Lia, Building biologist

Mould is a fungus that reproduces by dispersing its spores. Mould can thrive indoors and outdoors and can be found anywhere ...

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Early Peri-menopause


Peri-menopause is the transitional phase before menopause. It can start as early as 10 years before menopause. Women in as early as their mid-thirties can start to feel the change in their hormonal status. These symptoms can get incrementally w...

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Why am I having hot flushes? Part 1 Estrogen and Estrogen Receptors

Part 1

The exact mechanism is unknown, but what we do know is, that there is a part in your brain called the hypothalamus, that is responsible for temperature regulation, sex drive, sleep, moods, and memory. This area contains many estrogen receptor...

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