Mindfulness Exercises

sleep stress May 20, 2019

Here are 31 mindfulness exercises to help reduce stress and increase your sense of calm. You don’t have to do them all. Pick 1 or 2 different activities to try each week. Repeat the ones that work best for you. Every little activity helps, it may onl...

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  • Brown Rice
  • Nuts: Pecans, Almonds
  • Legumes: pinto, beans, navy beans, peanuts
  • Fruit: Pineapples, grapes, berries, kiwi


  • Iron and manganese fight for absorption. If you have high iron stores, you will probably have low m...
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  • Dark green leafy vegetables - spinach, broccoli
  • Legumes - black beans, kidney beans
  • Nuts and seeds - almonds, cashews
  • Avocado, banana
  • Meat - chicken and beef



Common signs of low magnesium include eye twitches, leg c...

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Anemia or low iron is common in menstruating women whereas iron overload is common in postmenopausal women. Please test before starting an iron supplement and retest again later.




  • Meat - beef, lamb
  • Seafood - oysters, clams, sardin...
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