Herbal Teas for Menopause

herbal medicine nutrition May 07, 2020

It's no secret that herbal teas have medicinal benefits. We have been using them centuries for all kinds of health complaints. Best of all they are cheap, readily available and easy to use.

These are my favourite ones to drink while you...

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Menopause Diet Checklist

nutrition Jun 10, 2019


  1. It's important to allow your digestive system time to rest and digest. Ideally, there would be a minimum of 12 hours without food every day. This can be easily obtained if you finish dinner before 7 pm and do not have breakfast before 7...
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Menopause Nutrition Basics - Part 3 - Drinks

nutrition Jun 10, 2019



Consider the role of dehydration for a minute. A grape is well hydrated and looks plump, young and healthy, while a dehydrated raisin looks shriveled up and old. The difference is water. How much are you drinking every day? The...

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Menopause Nutrition Basics - Part 2 - Macronutrients

nutrition Jun 10, 2019

 “Let food be thy medicine”

— Hippocrates


Macronutrients: The building blocks of food

There are three main components of food: carbohydrates, protein, and fats.



Carbohydrates are any food that...

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Menopause Nutrition Basics - Part 1

nutrition Jun 10, 2019

 What should we be eating?

There are few subjects as confusing as nutrition.  Countless diets exist on the market, all contradicting each other. One claims to eat this, the next to avoid that. It’s no wonder people are confused!...

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hormone nutrition May 22, 2019

Menopause SUPERFOOD - Phytoestrogens


Phytoestrogens are compounds found in plants that have an estrogen-like effect in the body. They have a similar shape to oestradiol and have the ability to bind to and activate estrogen receptors. They...

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