Discovering the path back to happiness at midlife

mood stress Feb 06, 2023

Midlife can be a troubling time for most of us, but there are things we can do to brighten our day and help us rediscover our smile.

Today we examine 8 different lifestyle habits that may help pick you back up.



The best thing...

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St John's Wort provides relief for Menopausal Symptoms

One of the most successful herbs for use during the menopausal transition is Hypericum perforatum, commonly known as St John's Wort. St John’s wort is a traditional European herb, it flowers around June 24, on John the Baptist’s...

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Premature and Early Menopause

Premature menopause is when you reach menopause prior to the age of 40. Early menopause is when you reach menopause before you reach 45. The average age for menopause is 51 in Western countries. 

Both premature and early menopause can occur...

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Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh has a long history of use both by Native Americans and European settlers.  For a herb with such as long history of use, it is certainly misunderstood. It is feared by some and loved by others. 

If we were to consider the...

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Why Western Women Struggle the Most!

lifestyle mood Nov 23, 2021

Book extract "From Invisible to Invincible" The 
Natural Menopause Revolution.


It’s fascinating to look at how women from different cultures and races view menopause. All women go through this change. For some women, it's a time...

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Vitamin B12 and Menopause

Vitamin B12 is an essential micronutrient that is needed for more bodily processes than you probably realised.

Many of its deficiency signs match those of the menopausal transition so it’s important to determine if your symptoms are...

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The Health Benefits of Earthing

energy mood pain sleep stress Aug 04, 2021

Did you know Earthing can help improve sleep, reduce pain and inflammation, balance immunity, lift mood, minimize your stress response, and more? It sounds like the perfect remedy for many women's menopausal transition.

Earthing is all about...

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Mycotherapy for Menopause

Mycotherapy is the use of medicinal mushrooms to improve your health, it plays a key role in Traditional Chinese Medicine but many functional practitioners like myself also use these mushrooms.

It is a factor to consider when looking at the...

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The Health Benefits of Taurine

Let's consider the role of a non-essential amino acid called Taurine. It was coined a non-essential amino acid because your body can produce tiny amounts in your liver but your requirements change over your lifetime and the small amount...

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Sage "The Saviour"

We have long known about Sage's medicinal properties. Its Latin name is Salvia officinalis. The word Salvia means “to heal”.

Ancient Egyptian and Greek civilisations recognised Sage's healing powers.

During the middle ages, sage was...

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