Reset Your Energy Levels During Menopause: Recharge and Thrive

energy Sep 09, 2024

Are you feeling drained, no matter what you do? Menopause can bring significant changes that leave you exhausted. But with the right strategies, you can reset your energy levels and feel revitalised once again.

Fatigue is a symptom, not a disease. It's a signal that something in your body isn’t functioning optimally. It is the number one symptom experienced by Midlife Women. A little digging—through history taking and testing—can help pinpoint the root cause. Common causes worth considering for the midlife woman include:

  • Nutritional deficiencies 
  • Low moods
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Mitochondrial health
  • Cellular health
  • Hormonal changes
  • Adrenal function
  • Poor sleep
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Digestive issues
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Toxicity 
  • Liver function and detoxification issues
  • Cardiovascular or respiratory issues
  • Immune health

The goal is to identify what’s draining your energy, so we can address it and restore vitality.


Imagine waking up refreshed, full of energy, and ready to take on your day. With a few simple shifts in your lifestyle and health habits, you can reset your energy levels and enjoy this new phase of life to the fullest.

  1. Fuel Your Body with Energy-Boosting Nutrients
    To boost your mitochondrial function and overall vitality, try incorporating these key nutrients:

    • B Vitamins: Essential for energy production at the cellular level.
    • COQ10: A powerful coenzyme that supports mitochondrial function.
    • Magnesium: Vital for over 300 enzymatic processes, including energy production.
    • Electrolytes: These are essential for muscle and nerve function, while keeping you hydrated and energised.
    • MCT Oil (Medium-Chain Triglycerides): MCTs are quickly converted into energy, providing a fast and sustained energy boost.
  2. Harness the Power of Adaptogenic Herbs and Medicinal Mushrooms
    Certain herbs and medicinal mushrooms have been shown to combat fatigue and restore energy:

    • Rhodiola: Helps your body adapt to stress and increases stamina.
    • Withania: Reduces nervous exhaustion and improves resilience.
    • Ginseng: Whether Korean, Siberian, or American, this herb is known for its energising properties.
    • Rehmannia: Combined with licorice, it helps restore adrenal function and combat fatigue.
    • Medicinal Mushrooms: Reishi, and Cordyceps are fantastic for improving energy, immune function, and overall vitality.
  3. Support Healthy Sleep Habits
    Poor sleep is a common symptom of menopause and a major contributor to fatigue. Create a calming nighttime routine, limit screen time before bed, and consider natural sleep aids like magnesium or herbal remedies to improve sleep quality.

  4. Try Earthing to Restore Your Energy
    Connecting with the earth’s natural energy by walking barefoot or using grounding techniques can help restore your body's natural rhythms and improve energy levels. Earthing has been shown to reduce inflammation, enhance mood, and promote better sleep, all of which contribute to increased vitality.

  5. Prioritize Your Mental Health
    Prolonged stress, anxiety, and low mood are often overlooked but major contributors to fatigue. Cultivating a positive mindset through meditation, mindfulness, and gratitude practices can help restore your mental and physical energy. Let go of what’s draining you—whether it’s a toxic job, unhealthy relationships, or negative thinking.

  6. Move Your Body
    Gentle exercise like walking, yoga, or swimming is essential for promoting blood flow, oxygenating your cells, and boosting energy. However, be mindful not to overdo it, especially if you're feeling very fatigued. Gradually increase activity as your energy improves.

  7. Optimize Your Environment
    Fatigue can be a direct result of environmental toxicity. Take steps to detoxify your home—eliminate mould, switch to chemical-free cleaning products, and minimize exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Simple actions like turning off your Wi-Fi at night can have a profound impact on your energy.

  8. Clean Up Your Diet for Sustained Energy
    Remove sugar, caffeine, and processed foods that cause energy crashes. Instead, focus on fresh, organic vegetables, fruits, high-quality protein, and healthy fats. These provide sustained energy and nourish your body at a cellular level. Incorporating more whole foods, and ditching processed, deep-fried, or artificial ingredients, can make a significant difference in how you feel.





Are you ready to take control of your energy and reset your life during menopause? Understanding and addressing the multifactorial causes of fatigue can give you the renewed vitality you deserve.


Experience a complete energy reset at my Midlife Women's Health Reset Retreat in Laos. Situated by the serene Namkhan River, this luxurious retreat offers a unique combination of natural health strategies, movement, and mindfulness practices to restore your vitality.

  • Holistic Health Sessions: Learn to uncover the root causes of fatigue and discover natural, personalized solutions for boosting energy.
  • Nourishing Meals: Enjoy nutrient-dense, organic meals that replenish your body.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Engage in grounding techniques like earthing and meditation to reset your body’s energy.
  • Movement and Nature: Gentle yoga, nature walks, and swims in the river or pools stimulate energy flow and help you reconnect with nature.
  • Time for Rest: You'll have ample time to rest, relax, and fully recharge in this peaceful, toxin-free environment.

Join us in Laos and take a transformative step toward reclaiming your energy and vitality during menopause. RETREAT INFORMATION


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